Access Conciousness

Access Consciousness® is a self-improvement and personal development modality that aims to empower individuals to create a greater sense of awareness and possibilities in their lives. The purpose of Access Consciousness is to provide tools, techniques, and philosophies that assist people in changing their lives, expanding their consciousness, and letting go of limitations.
Access Consciousness offers various pragmatic tools and processes that can be used to address different areas of life, such as relationships, money, body, and health. It encourages individuals to question and challenge their existing beliefs, thoughts, and judgments, allowing them to gain more clarity and make choices that align with their true desires.
The core philosophy of Access Consciousness revolves around the idea that consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. It promotes the concept of being present in the moment, acknowledging the choices available, and embracing a non-judgmental and expansive approach to life.
Some of the popular techniques and tools within Access Consciousness include the Access Bars, a hands-on process involving lightly touching specific points on the head to facilitate the release of limitations and create more space in the mind, and the clearing statement, a verbal tool used to clear energetic blockages and limitations. Check out the clearing statement explained in this video What is the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement?
Overall, the purpose of Access Consciousness is to empower individuals to be more conscious, aware, and in control of their lives, and to create a reality that is more joyful, expansive, and fulfilling.
The key to Access Consciousness is always asking questions. What else is possible? What can I be or do different today to create the life I truly desire?